Helicopter Pilot based out of Sydney, Australia.
Creator of Helicopter Theory Training Videos
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Hi, I'm Matt
I’m a Helicopter Pilot based out of Sydney, Australia.

I am huge fan of all things aviation and am currently living the dream, flying choppers on a full time basis.

When I completed my CPL theory, I passed 6 out of the 7 CASA exams on my own whilst working full-time and studying at night. So, I know just how hard it is, studying without instructors there to help you.

Since then, I've been putting together a library of videos for you:  "What I didn't figure out until the end, that I WISH I knew at the beginning". Of course, there are more videos to come!

My genuine hope is that you enjoy the videos, learn a few hints and tips and most importantly, get the exam result that you want.

Oh yeah, when I'm not flying, I'm married to the girl of my dreams (Ellen) who supports everything else I'm passionate about including my share market investing and my love of things with two wheels (both cycling and motorbikes).

How To Complete a 1 in 60 Rule Calculation
Specifically aimed at any student pilots preparing for the Australian CASA Navigation exam, this video will step you through how to complete a 1 in 60 calculation.
How To Calculate a Helicopter Required Rate of Climb or Descent
Specifically aimed at any student pilots preparing for the Australian CASA Navigation exam, this video will step you through how to calculate the required rate of climb or rate of descent for a helicopter.

Very helpful video with good explanation that specifically talks about Australian CASA exams. Thanks Matt!

Philipp Struchtrup

The Best Explanation πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘thank you .

Nilofer Paloba

Thank you for these terrific examples please keep the videos coming.

Graham Wilson
Copyright 2021